Some Elixir and Functional Programming Resources

This post is a response to a question from the chatroom. It’s easier to format messages in the forum, so I’ll write a response here and link to it.


There are many Elixir resources here in the forum under the #elixir tag.

The official Elixir tutorial is a good place to start. has book giveaways every month, and it isn’t too competitive. I’ve won two Elixir books there already.

I’m not sure if the code elixirforum works on any more, but they have a lot of good books. Also Elixir in Action by Saša Jurić is good. (See for discount codes for Manning, PragProg, and other publishers.)

For free videos and courses:

I’d be happy to discuss Elixir topics any time. The next Elixir book I’m planning to read is Real-Time Phoenix. :slight_smile:

Functional Programming

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