When to Use Map, Filter, Reduce in JavaScript

The map function came up at the meetup today and I thought a quick explanation of when one might use map, filter, and reduce might be useful to people who don’t use them regularly yet.


If you have a collection of things (an array) and want another array of equal length, where some or all of the items are changed, then you might want to use map.

The difference between map and forEach is that map returns an array of equal length and forEach returns undefined. If you aren’t going to do anything with the result, you can use forEach, but otherwise, you can use map.

Here are a few examples, using ES5:

Doing something to every number in a list

Here’s an example that multiplies every number in an array by itself. map returns a new array and doesn’t modify the original.

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

var newArr = arr.map(function (item) {
    return item * item;

Doing something to every string in a list

Plucking a value from an array of objects

If you have an array of objects and want to pluck some information out of each item, you can use map.


If you have an array and want to remove some of the items, then you might be looking for filter.

Filter out invalid values

Filter out numbers less than 10


If you have an array and want to turn them into one value (for example, summing an array of numbers), you can use reduce.

reduce has many other uses, but there are longer tutorials about it that could explain it better. The main tip here is that if you have a collection of things (an array in JS) and want to turn them into one value, you might be looking for reduce.


A quick guideline:

Starting Point Desired Result Function
An array A new array of equal length map
An array A new array of equal or lesser length filter
An array A single value (which can be an array) reduce
An array Do something with each item but discard the result forEach

A good exercise is to try to write filter and map functions while only using reduce.

If anyone has other quick tips on when to use those functions, leave a comment below. :slight_smile:

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How about… you want to map a volume of sound (as a percentage-of-max-threshold) to the 0-255 range of the red component of an HTML color?

This was the old-school use of the word “map” a long time ago when we were converting from one scale to another. Like mapping Fahrenheit into Celsius.

I think you could do it the same way. The function could convert the percentage to a hex value. The hex value could then be used in another function that generates a full color value.

// create a 2-digit hex value from a number between 0 and 100
const percentToHex = p => Math.floor(255 * (p / 100))
                              .padStart(2, 0);

const volumes = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 , 80, 90, 100];

const result = volumes.map(percentToHex);
//=> ["00","19","33","4c","66","7f","99","b2","cc","e5","ff"]


const fToC = f => Math.round((f - 32) * 5 / 9);
const cToF = c => Math.round((c * 9 / 5) + 32);

const temperatures = [10, 20, 30, 70, 95];

const inCelcius = temperatures.map(fToC);
const inFahrenheit = temperatures.map(cToF);

//=> [-12,-7,-1,21,35]
//=> [50,68,86,158,203]