What is your preferred technology to deploy a website?

  • Rsync
  • FTP
  • Ansible
  • Flight Plan
  • Deploy from git
  • Other

0 voters

I usually use Rsync, so I am happy for any other opinions. :slight_smile:


What is Rsync? I just assumed everyone used git.

Rsync is pretty cool. It is a command line way to compare files in 2 folders and then automatically update the files so the most current ones are there.

That article says for remote folders, but I think it also works for local ones too.


You can back up local hard drives like this:

$ rsync -av /my/local/folder/ /some/external/hard/drive/

A file manager like Thunar (xfce) will show the location of the external hard drive in the address bar at the top. (something like /media/username/hard-drive-name/)

There is a tutorial here, but watch out for the --delete option, because I think it will delete files on the target drive if they are missing on the source drive.

(It’s better if the external hard drive doesn’t use NTFS, because I think that the permissions won’t be preserved on NTFS.)