[Tutorial] How to Send Transactional Emails with Node.js

This is a quick tutorial on how to send emails with Node.js and Mailgun. The general instructions are similar for any transactional email provider.

A transactional email service sends emails for you and bills you a small amount per email. I used Mailgun as an example here, because it’s free for up to 10,000 emails per month, and it’s what this forum uses to send emails. Sorry, Mailgun is no longer free after a free trial. See this comment below for a discussion about various options. If you understand how to send transactional emails with Mailgun, the process is almost the same for other transactional email providers.

Creating the Application

Create a new project folder with a file named package.json. It should have this content:

    "name": "node_email",
    "version": "0.1.0",
    "description": "A quick example on how to send emails with Node.js",
    "main": "app.js",
    "scripts": {
        "start": "node app.js"
    "license": "BSD-3-Clause"

The package.json file holds information about your program, including the libraries it depends on.

After saving that file, run these commands in a terminal from your project directory:

$ npm install --save mailgun-js dotenv html-to-text

The package.json file will automatically update to look something like this, though the version numbers might be different.

"dependencies": {
    "dotenv": "^8.2.0",
    "html-to-text": "^5.1.1",
    "mailgun-js": "^0.22.0"

The mailgun-js package has code to interact with Mailgun’s email service, html-to-text will allow us to send text versions of the emails, and dotenv is a package that protects the secret API keys.

Protect Your API Key

Create a .gitignore file in your project folder with this text:


That will help you keep your secret API keys from accidentally being pushed to Github or Gitlab.

Create a Mailgun Account

Head over to mailgun.com and create a free account.

Mailgun is a transactional email service, which means that it programmatically sends emails for you with an API. You can send up to 10,000 free emails per month. Mailgun no longer has free emails, but there is a free trial that you can use to at least learn how to send emails with Node.js.

I used to send emails directly from the servers where I hosted my sites until the emails started bouncing. One of the new servers I had deployed had previously been used by a spammer, so its IP address was blocked by a lot of email companies. The only way I could fix it and get my email delivered was to use an external service to send the emails.

After you create the Mailgun account, follow all of their instructions and get an API key from the homepage of your Mailgun dashboard.

Create a .env file

Copy the file .env-example to .env and add your Mailgun settings. I left instructions in the .env-example file. A .env file allows your application to read secret passwords and API keys while keeping them out of your Git repo. If you put the secrets directly in the code, it creates security risks.

# copy this file to .env and add your API key

# This is the domain you verified with Mailgun

# This is the sender address for your emails. You can override it when
# you send emails.

# This is an email address where you want to send the test email

Each of those fields will then be available to Node.js programs by using process.env.SECRET_KEY_NAME (explained below).

Adding the Code

Start an app.js file with the following code. Read the comments to see what each line does.

// This loads the environment variables in your .env file

// Load the code for interacting with Mailgun's API
const Mailgun = require("mailgun-js");

// This library will help create a text version of the HTML email
const htmlToText = require("html-to-text");

// This fetches an environment variable, which is hidden in your .env file.
const MAILGUN_API_KEY = process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY;

// This is the domain that you verified in Mailgun during account creation
const DOMAIN = process.env.DOMAIN;

// These two lines will help you send test emails

Below that, create a function to send emails:

// Pass in the email information
function sendEmail(toEmail, subject, html, fromEmail = DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL) {
    // This makes a plain text email from your HTML version.
    const textVersion = htmlToText.fromString(html, { wordwrap: 78 });

    // This is the data you will send to Mailgun
    const payload = {
        from: fromEmail,
        to: toEmail,
        subject: subject,
        html: html,
        text: textVersion,

    // Preview the payload here if you want

Right below that, create a function to send a test email:

function sendTestEmail() {
    // When you call the function, you give it the HTML to send.
    const bodyHtml = `
        <h1>Hello World</h1>
        <p>Here is your test email.</p>
        <p><img src="https://placekitten.com/300/300" alt="placekitten image" /></p>
            <li>item 1</li>
            <li>item 2</li>
            <li>item 3</li>
        <p>Here's <a href="https://example.com/">a link</a>.</p>

    // Run the sendEmail function above
    sendEmail(TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESS, "Hello World", bodyHtml);

// Run the function

Run the code by typing node app.js or npm start. It doesn’t send an email yet, but it should print out the data that you will send to Mailgun. On my computer, it looks like this.

Sending the Data to Mailgun

Put this code right before the sendEmail function:

const mailgun = new Mailgun({ apiKey: MAILGUN_API_KEY, domain: DOMAIN });

and add code to the sendEmail function so it looks like this:

function sendEmail(toEmail, subject, html, fromEmail = DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL) {
    const textVersion = htmlToText.fromString(html, { wordwrap: 78 });

    const payload = {
        from: fromEmail,
        to: toEmail,
        subject: subject,
        html: html,
        text: textVersion,

    // You can preview the payload here if you want

    // This part does the email sending
    mailgun.messages().send(payload, (err, _body) => {
        if (err) {
            console.error("ERROR", err);
        } else {
            console.log(`Sent email to ${toEmail}`);

Run the program again with npm start and it should send you an email from Mailgun’s servers.

Here’s a screenshot of the sample HTML email in Thunderbird.

If you view the email source code (ctrl-u in Thunderbird), you will be able to see that both plain text and HTML versions of the email were delivered.

Email source code

Give it a try, and if anything doesn’t work, leave a comment below.

Learn More

The finished sample code is on Github.

I recommend typing out all the code above. If something doesn’t work, clone my repo and tinker with it to see how it works. Let me know if you have other questions.

Also check out this example to learn about some of the other features, like sending file attachments and adding people to mailing lists.

Edit: see also Sending Emails with Amazon SES

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I’m looking at mailgun for another application (actually, another discourse forum, hah)
Are there low volume free emails after the trial period? It looks like after the trial period it switches to pay as you go (prices are totally reasonable for low use). I wonder if they’ve changed their plans recently? Flexible Pricing & Email Delivery Plans - Email API Service | Mailgun

That isn’t good. It looks like they got rid of their free emails and are now charging 80 cents per 1,000 emails. I was recommending Mailgun only because of the free emails. It’s still cheap for low volume, but gets expensive later.

Discourse lists some email providers here.

Amazon SES is 10 cents per 1,000 but I think you have to write a lot of code yourself, and the instruction manual was literally a 400-page PDF file, so I went with something else (that I wouldn’t recommend unless you’re grandfathered into their old pricing).

It looks like Amazon SES might work in Discourse without a lot of set up, because Discourse already contains code for managing unsubscribes and bounces.

This forum is on the free Mailgun plan, but if they get rid of that, I’ll try SES.

There might also be libraries out there that simplify Amazon SES, but I haven’t looked closely (other than Sendy for newsletters). If anyone knows of any, let me know.

Since I wrote the post above I set a company up with a paid Mailgun plan (low volume) and it isn’t too expensive. I’ve done more research in the process.

For sites with fewer than 100 emails per day, Sendgrid is probably the cheapest. It’s free until you reach 100 emails per day.

Update: I’ve been very unhappy with all of my interactions with Sendgrid (and Twilio in general). I would recommend avoiding them whenever possible.

For sites with low-volume email but more than 100 emails per day, Mailgun seems like a good option at 80 cents per 1,000 emails.

As soon as you start sending about 18,700 emails per month, then Sendgrid is probably a cheaper option than Mailgun. Example: for 20,000 emails/month, Mailgun is $16/month while Sendgrid is $14.95.

A 100,000 emails per month, Sendgrid is just $29.95/month, while Mailgun is $35-80 per month.

There are other transactional email services, but I don’t know much about them.

Once a site reaches 100,000 emails/month, then Amazon SES might be worth checking out (10 cents per 1,000 emails, not including logging), but it might be worth paying Sendgrid or Mailgun just to avoid having to configure SES. AWS has a learning curve, which is good or bad depending on whether one wants to spend a lot of extra time learning AWS.

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I started putting notes about SES in a wiki-post here: Sending Emails with Amazon SES

I updated my comment above to recommend avoiding Sendgrid. I started paying for Sendgrid and strongly regret it. I’ve also had problems with Twilio (the parent company).