Puzzle: Sort Out The Men From Boys [reference]

“**Sort Out The Men From Boys **” is a coding puzzle that people can be attempted in the following languages: cpp, javascript, ruby, crystal, python, haskell, c, java, php, dart, julia, typescript, coffeescript, reason, elixir, racket, clojure, csharp, prolog, and cfml.

  • Difficulty: 7 kyu
  • Stars: 110
  • Votes: 714
  • Category: reference
  • Tags: Fundamentals, Numbers, Data Types, Basic Language Features, Conditional Statements, Control Flow, Algorithms, Logic
  • Source: codewars



Now that the competition gets tough it will Sort out the men from the boys .

Men are the Even numbers and Boys are the odd !alt !alt


Given an array/list [] of n integers , Separate The even numbers from the odds , or Separate the men from the boys !alt !alt


  • Return an array/list where Even numbers come first then odds

  • Since , Men are stronger than Boys , Then Even numbers in ascending order While odds in descending .

  • Array/list size is at least 4 .

  • Array/list numbers could be a mixture of positives , negatives .

  • Have no fear , It is guaranteed that no Zeroes will exists . !alt

  • Repetition of numbers in the array/list could occur , So (duplications are not included when separating).

Input >> Output Examples:

menFromBoys ({7, 3 , 14 , 17}) ==> return ({14, 17, 7, 3})


Since , { 14 } is the even number here , So it came first , then the odds in descending order {17 , 7 , 3} .

menFromBoys ({-94, -99 , -100 , -99 , -96 , -99 }) ==> return ({-100 , -96 , -94 , -99})


  • Since , { -100, -96 , -94 } is the even numbers here , So it came first in *ascending order *, then the odds in descending order { -99 }

  • Since , (Duplications are not included when separating) , then you can see only one (-99) was appeared in the final array/list .

menFromBoys ({49 , 818 , -282 , 900 , 928 , 281 , -282 , -1 }) ==> return ({-282 , 818 , 900 , 928 , 281 , 49 , -1})


  • Since , {-282 , 818 , 900 , 928 } is the even numbers here , So it came first in ascending order , then the odds in descending order { 281 , 49 , -1 }

  • Since , (Duplications are not included when separating) , then you can see only one (-282) was appeared in the final array/list .

Playing with Numbers Series

Playing With Lists/Arrays Series

Bizarre Sorting-katas

For More Enjoyable Katas

ALL translations are welcomed

Enjoy Learning !!


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Click the link below to solve it on Codewars:


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