Puzzle: Highest Scoring Word [reference]

Highest Scoring Word” is a coding puzzle that people can be attempted in the following languages: javascript, haskell, ruby, python, crystal, csharp, java, r, cpp, c, elixir, powershell, php, kotlin, scala, nasm, rust, and go.

  • Difficulty: 6 kyu
  • Stars: 935
  • Votes: 3164
  • Category: reference
  • Tags: Fundamentals, Strings, Data Types, Arrays, Numbers
  • Source: codewars


Given a string of words, you need to find the highest scoring word.

Each letter of a word scores points according to its position in the alphabet: a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 etc.

You need to return the highest scoring word as a string.

If two words score the same, return the word that appears earliest in the original string.

All letters will be lowercase and all inputs will be valid.

Solve It Here

Click the link below to solve it on Codewars:


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I did this one in Python and Elixir.