How to download Twitter data (followers list, etc.)

I was searching for a way to download Twitter data and this tool can do it.

Here are some examples:

How to download a list of all Twitter followers

Here’s an example of how to download a list of Twitter followers:

$ t followers username > twitter_followers.txt

Change username to your username.

How to unfollow people who don’t follow you back

If you want to unfollow most people who don’t follow you back, first create a list of those people:

$ t leaders username > leaders.txt

Edit the leaders.txt file. Then run a script like this to unfollow all the usernames in that file:

while IFS= read -r line
    echo "unfollowing: $line"
    t unfollow "$line"
    sleep 1
done < leaders.txt

Other things you can do with the program

Here’s a list of what you can do with the program:

  t accounts                          # List accounts
  t authorize                         # Allows an application to request user authorization
  t block USER [USER...]              # Block users.
  t delete SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS         # Delete Tweets, Direct Messages, etc.
  t direct_messages                   # Returns the 20 most recent Direct Messages sent to you.
  t direct_messages_sent              # Returns the 20 most recent Direct Messages you've sent.
  t dm USER MESSAGE                   # Sends that person a Direct Message.
  t does_contain [USER/]LIST USER     # Find out whether a list contains a user.
  t does_follow USER [USER]           # Find out whether one user follows another.
  t favorite TWEET_ID [TWEET_ID...]   # Marks Tweets as favorites.
  t favorites [USER]                  # Returns the 20 most recent Tweets you favorited.
  t follow USER [USER...]             # Allows you to start following users.
  t followers [USER]                  # Returns a list of the people who follow you on Twitter.
  t followings [USER]                 # Returns a list of the people you follow on Twitter.
  t followings_following USER [USER]  # Displays your friends who follow the specified user.
  t friends [USER]                    # Returns the list of people who you follow and follow you back.
  t groupies [USER]                   # Returns the list of people who follow you but you don't follow back.
  t help [COMMAND]                    # Describe available commands or one specific command
  t intersection USER [USER...]       # Displays the intersection of users followed by the specified users.
  t leaders [USER]                    # Returns the list of people who you follow but don't follow you back.
  t list SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS           # Do various things with lists.
  t lists [USER]                      # Returns the lists created by a user.
  t matrix                            # Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
  t mentions                          # Returns the 20 most recent Tweets mentioning you.
  t mute USER [USER...]               # Mute users.
  t muted [USER]                      # Returns a list of the people you have muted on Twitter.
  t open USER                         # Opens that user's profile in a web browser.
  t reach TWEET_ID                    # Shows the maximum number of people who may have seen the specified tweet in their timeline.
  t reply TWEET_ID [MESSAGE]          # Post your Tweet as a reply directed at another person.
  t report_spam USER [USER...]        # Report users for spam.
  t retweet TWEET_ID [TWEET_ID...]    # Sends Tweets to your followers.
  t retweets [USER]                   # Returns the 20 most recent Retweets by a user.
  t retweets_of_me                    # Returns the 20 most recent Tweets of the authenticated user that have been retweeted by others.
  t ruler                             # Prints a 140-character ruler
  t search SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS         # Search through Tweets.
  t set SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS            # Change various account settings.
  t status TWEET_ID                   # Retrieves detailed information about a Tweet.
  t stream SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS         # Commands for streaming Tweets.
  t timeline [USER]                   # Returns the 20 most recent Tweets posted by a user.
  t trend_locations                   # Returns the locations for which Twitter has trending topic information.
  t trends [WOEID]                    # Returns the top 50 trending topics.
  t unfollow USER [USER...]           # Allows you to stop following users.
  t update [MESSAGE]                  # Post a Tweet.
  t users USER [USER...]              # Returns a list of users you specify.
  t version                           # Show version.
  t whoami                            # Retrieves profile information for the authenticated user.
  t whois USER                        # Retrieves profile information for the user.

  -C, [--color=COLOR]   # Control how color is used in output
                        # Default: auto
                        # Possible values: icon, auto, never
  -P, [--profile=FILE]  # Path to RC file
                        # Default: /home/pv/.trc