What Editors Do You Use/Recommend?

I am currently using Sublime 2. Someone just told me about SQL Pro which looks a lot better than phpMyAdmin currently.

Otherwise, I am aspiring to use more command line.

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VS Code is good. It’s similar to Sublime Text.

I use the command line for MySQL, since it also works on my remote servers over SSH.

For command-line editors:

  • vim – great, but has a steep learning curve
  • neovim – a rewrite of vim
  • emacs – another great editor. I use this for taking notes with Org Mode.
  • spacemacs – a configuration for emacs that uses vim keybindings and makes set up easier
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The learning curve couldn’t get much steeper. :wink: Sort of makes emacs looks more appealing to start with.

Vim is worth it. :slight_smile:

(It isn’t as bad as that, but just requires a few afternoons of study and a little practice before it can be used effectively.)

“there have been over a million other developers who got stuck in Vim and couldn’t escape without a bit of help.”

Ha! Interesting post!

I keep hearing good things about VIM, like it is more customizable or something?

But let me ask, what are the main points which make it better than an editor like sublime?

Using Vim is almost like telepathic communication with your computer. Once you have enough commands in muscle memory, you can think of extremely precise edits and your hands perform them. The keybindings work kind of like a language, so you’re constructing sentences that you mentally “speak” to the text editor.

The reason it works like that is because it has several modes. There is “normal mode” where any keys entered are interpreted as commands, and “insert mode” where you can type text just like a regular editor. Normal mode is like a video game with complex keybindings to control the action, and the game is high-speed, precision text-editing.

Another great thing about Vim is that it works in the terminal, so you can use the same editor on local and remote files.

The learning curve is a little steep, and the editor is best after taking some time to customize it, but it’s worth it. :slight_smile:

I think I understand. It becomes a lot faster to open files etc… and then edit them. So a mix of command line and editor all in one, at least the way I see it.

Thanks for the explanation. I will put it on my bucket list. :slight_smile: