Rebuilding Rails

This thread is for discussing the book Rebuilding Rails. I’ve started it, but haven’t finished yet.

Rebuilding Rails seems pretty good. It’s in its second edition now, which is always nice for a technical book.

Working through the gem build process closed a hole I’d been wanting to figure out for a while.

I got to page 26 before getting pulled away to other tasks. Seems good so far. I’m going to get back to it soon.

I got to page 37 and decided this is going to be worthwhile to go through pagewise. Looking like early February 2018 before I finish with Design Patterns in Ruby, this will be next.

And that landed exactly as I expected: Design Pattern in Ruby is wrapped up, Rebuilding Rails continues starting tomorrow morning.

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I’m going to look at it again soon. I’m rebuilding parts of Art of Memory in Rails and need to learn more about it ASAP. I’ve only relaunched the homepage at the moment, but I’m going to proxy more routes to Rails as soon as I figure out a few more things. (caching problem, tests workflow, deployment workflow, backup workflow, etc.)

I also have a subscription to and am planning on working through more videos there.

I worked on the book a little at the Ruby hacknight, starting it over, because I hadn’t looked at it in a while.

I learned a new git command (git ls-files) from this:

# It seems to be different in my rulers.gemspec file, but this is from the book
gem.files = `git ls-files`.split($/)

Now I can save some typing with things like this to only add files that git already know about:

$ git add $(git ls-files)

There may be an even better way to do that in git, but it’s an improvement over what I was doing before. :slight_smile: