[POLL] What Terminal Do You Use? (Linux)

I went through some of the kitty docs and it looks like it has some improvements over gnome-terminal:

  • does everything that I use tmux for locally
  • less-awkward keybindings than tmux
  • scrolls correctly with multiple panes (tmux requires pressing extra keys)
  • the ligatures look good
  • extends with Python
  • displays images in the terminal without open a separate imagemagick window

I still need to be able to switch colors easily to tell the terminal windows apart, so I’m probably going to use alacritty for that. To change colors in alacritty, you can type at and then fuzzy search for a theme name. (In gnome-terminal, you have to click on things, and it seems like kitty doesn’t support reloading the config file while it’s running.)

I’m also going to keep gnome-terminal for my music player (mpv), because I still like that green look. :slight_smile:

I might change it around later, but this setup has been working for me tonight.