Learning new stuff, found a forum: it is like youtube for developers

Just thought I could share this:
there are all sorts of very neat videos
Any recommendations about it?

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Just thought I could share this:
there are all sorts of very neat videos

IMNSHO, it’s always good to check out the various Privacy Policies for such tutorial videos; morioh’s one is here

to start a post with “IMNSHO” - rhetorically, this is not what you use to indicate benevolence.
Jeder zeigt wessen Geistes Kind er ist, oder?
If you start a poll about what sort of meetups people like, are you collecting data or banana? Who isn’t collecting data?
I am in California now 14 years and this is the first time that I hear an American complaining about privacy.
I would not be surprised if Trump finds out that he will get in jail if he is not reelected and the only way to keep himself out of jail is by throwing democracy overboard, martial law because of the virus and all data/privacy (Google, Facebook, Amazon ect.) become federal property, for the safety of the country.
…BACK to the subject:
When I looked at the videos, I focused on assessing the quality of the content, not where it came from, not the intent of the content in terms of privacy. Well, maybe I should check Josh’s privacy policy first before continuing this forum.

Zoom and privacy: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/30/technology/new-york-attorney-general-zoom-privacy.html?utm_source=angellist